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What makes a good job application? Save the best tips

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“Start strong, customize the application to match the task you are applying for, give a few concrete examples, finalize the application with a sprinkle of motivation, and by checking the spelling and grammar” L&T's recruitment team gives you the best tips on polishing your job application.


In addition to the CV, a cover letter is an important document in the application process. The maximum length of a cover letter is approximately one page. The letter gives you a chance to stand out from the crowd, convince the recruiter of your skills and earn a spot at a job interview. L&T’s recruitment team assembled six good tips for writing a cover letter.

1. Start strong

Introduce the most important message of your application right at the beginning. A confident writing style stays in the reader’s mind.You can start your application with something lively. It is worth pointing out why you are interested in the specific summer job and what your goals for the summer job are.

2. Target the application to the applied job

It is recommended to always customize your application for the particular job you are applying for. Read the job advert with care: what kind of tasks are available and what kind of employee the recruiter is looking for? While writing the cover letter, present the answers to these by reflecting your skills and personality, and why would you be suitable for the task in question.

3. Emphasize motivation

Emphasising self-motivation is especially important when there are many applicants.The recruiter is looking for a person that is genuinely interested in the task, so make sure to let them know you want the job! For example, you can tell us about your goals and your interest in the company and industry.

4. Present your skills with concrete examples

It is easier to write down your skills when you describe your achievements or tasks using concrete examples.Use active verb forms: I did, I helped, I was responsible of . They reflect an energetic attitude and ability to take responsibility. However, do not list the things you already mentioned in your CV. For example, do not re-explain your work history.

5. Bring out your personality

In your cover letter, you can choose a suitable style on how to bring your matter across. Describe yourself briefly but leave out the most common adjectives. Otherwise, all applicants would be social, efficient and motivated.

6. Remember spelling and appropriate language

Text is easy to read and comprehend when the grammar is in order. Be sure to check that your application includes your name, the title of the job you are applying for, and the name of the person if you are addressing the application to a specific person. It is often hard to spot mistakes yourself, so you can even ask a friend for feedback on the application.

Wishing you the best of luck in your job search,
L&T’s recruitment team


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