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Open positions for specialists

In these jobs, there is plenty of work for experts in various fields (environment, energy, finance, HR, or IT)! We are regularly looking for both career starters and experienced professionals for various executive and managerial positions. With us, you can show the way as a circular economy action leader.

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Asiantuntija - 1x1-1200x1200 - Avoimet työpaikat - Kehitysmahdollisuudet

Couldn't find the open position you were looking for?

If you want to work to mitigate climate change, this could be your opportunity.

4 reasons to apply for specialist or managerial positions at L&T

Asiantuntija - 1x1-1200x1200 - Avoimet työpaikat - Kasvumahdollisuus

Your duties will always offer opportunities for growth and influencing

Whatever your role, you will always be able to influence the content of your work as well as larger matters. You can grow in your role and you will have plenty of opportunities to challenge yourself. You can build a personal career path or handle specific duties for a longer period of time if you wish.

Asiantuntija - 1x1-1200x1200 - Avoimet työpaikat - Prosessit ja välineet

You will be part of a reliable group with good processes and tools

You are an important part of our company and, as an employer, you get to work for a suitably sized listed company with efficient processes and well-functioning tools. In addition, you will receive a competitive salary and relevant benefits. You can also do hybrid work. We look after your well-being at work and provide you with a wider range of occupational health services than usual. We offer various types of training, massage, dental care, glasses, medical specialist services and much more.

Myynti - 1x1-1200x1200 - Avoimet työpaikat - Vapautta

Enjoy the company and support of more than 1,000 skilled colleagues and supervisors

At L&T, you will be working with more than 1,000 employees. You are sure to find someone to discuss matters with whatever the situation, even if your own team does not have a specialist in the matter at hand. You will always be supported by a designated supervisor. At L&T, you can also forget about strict dress codes and be just the way you are.

Myynti - 1x1-1200x1200 - Avoimet työpaikat - Ilmastonmuutos

Doing meaningful work to mitigate climate change

In your role at L&T, you can contribute to turning the circular economy into reality. You will be working for one of Finland’s most responsible companies, which aims to mitigate climate change as one of its goals. However, we do not expect you to be an expert in climate work, just so long as you want to do work that has real significance.

Positions for experts in various fields:

  • Circular economy and energy management:

    Circular Economy Specialist, Environmental Manager, Civil Engineering, Project Engineer, Energy Efficiency Specialist, Sustainability Manager or Specialist

  • Service production:

    Supervisor, Service Master, Production Manager, Unit Manager, Customer Group Manager

  • Finance:

    Accountant, Accounts Payable or Receivable Specialist

  • Human Resources:

    Payroll Specialist, Recruiter, HR Specialist
    HR Manager or HR Business Manager

  • ICT:

    Architect, Product Specialist, Project Manager

  • Sales and marketing:

    Sales Negotiator, Sales Manager, Account Manager, Digital Marketing Specialist

  • Customer service:

    Service Advisor, Service Expert, Invoicer

As an environmental manager at L&T

In the video, our environmental manager Saara talks about her work.

Get to know more about L&T's experts

How to apply


Prepare your application

Prepare for job search by writing a cover letter and updating your CV.


Register as a job seeker

Once you have found a position, create an applicant profile in our recruitment system or log in to your previously created profile. 


Submit your application and CV

Fill out the application in the system and upload your CV. You can apply for multiple positions with the same application.


Thank you for your application

You will receive a confirmation email when your application has been received. As the recruitment progresses, we will contact you by email or phone.