Sakari Lassila
Vice Chairman
born 1955
Independent of the company and major shareholders
Gender: male
Board member: since 2011
Board committees: Chairman of the Audit Committee
Education: M.Sc. (Econ.)
Key work experience:
- Indcrea Oy, Managing Director 2008–2018
- Cupori Group Oy, Member of the Management Board 2008–2014 and Cupori AB, Managing Director 2012–2014
- Carnegie Investment Bank AB, Finland Branch, executive positions 2002–2005
- Alfred Berg Finland Oyj, Executive positions within investment banking 1994–2002
- Citibank Oy, Head of Corporate Bank 1991–1994
- Union Bank of Finland, Supervisory and Executive positions 1983–1991
Membership on other Boards:
Evald ja Hilda Nissi Säätiö, Vice Chairman of the Board and Member 1987–; Aplagon Oy, Chairman of the Board 2009–; Indcrea Oy, Managing Director 2008–2018