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Strategy and vision

L&T’s strategy is based on the idea of being a leader of the regenerative society. We seek to mitigate climate change and biodiversity loss and promote the sustainable use of raw materials. The circular economy plays a key role in achieving our goals.

Leader of the Regenerative Society

The circular economy is expanding. The inclusion of new areas of life and material flows is needed: industry, trade, agriculture, forestry and everything that has been built around us. However, it is not possible to expand the circular economy without a trustworthy actor and a visionary expert who can help companies and society grab the opportunities that the circular economy offers. The circular economy is built together.

Megatrends leading our business


Climate change and biodiversity loss

Mitigating climate change and biodiversity loss requires circular economy actions from society, businesses and individuals. Businesses need responsible partners to transition to a circular economy and to improve the energy efficiency of properties.


Urban growth

The growth of cities continues, and the expectations concerning the built environment are increasing, which creates demand for our services. Properties are expected to have long life spans, and changing needs and changes in building use over the years must be taken into account in maintenance and new construction.

Jäteauton kuljettaja
Jäteauton kuljettaja

We are part of the solution

Our goal is to be a leader of the regenerative society: an operator who puts plans into practice. We want to provide our customers with circular economy and sustainability expertise combined with the capacity to put plans into action at a practical level. We have the competence to do so thanks to our history spanning over a hundred years and ability to adapt.

Our divisions build sustainable growth for the future


Industrial services

Industrial Services continuously looks for ways to utilise the side streams of industry and society according to the principles of the circular economy.


Facility Services

Facility Services improve the value of customers’ properties and aim for the continuous improvement of energy efficiency.

Hallinnointi - 16x9-2000x1125 - Lassila-Tikanoja
Pyöräilijä rannalla
Our mission is to make the circular economy a reality and to ensure a sustainable tomorrow where raw materials, energy, time or things already built are not wasted. We are employed by tomorrow.

Our strategic goals


Most satisfied customers in the industry

The value of the work we do for our customers can be seen in, for example, improved recycling rates, more satisfied tenants and more efficient energy consumption. We continuously develop our services and regularly measure our success.

High Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)

We want our personnel to enjoy their work and go home in good health after a working day. We offer meaningful work as well as opportunities for career paths and competence development.

Positive climate impact

We mitigate climate change and preserve natural resources. We replace virgin raw materials with secondary raw materials, replace fossil fuels with renewable fuel and develop new solutions for the circular economy.

Profitable growth

We pursue faster and more profitable growth compared to our market, all whilst maintaining good financial standing and financial flexibility. We are an upstanding corporate citizen and a worthwhile investment.

Our strategic work is guided by strategic focal points

Our strategy is managed through the use of strategic focal points common to the entire Group and all divisions. In the 2022–2026 strategy period, we seek growth in our core businesses and a stronger market share.

Our strategic focal points:

Customer’s best sustainability partner

We are expanding our range of services by listening to the needs of our customers and are developing new, more sustainable methods for producing services. We ensure the responsibility and sustainability of our own operations in the areas of the environment, people and good governance.

Top experts in the industry

People are our most powerful asset. We ensure the good management and competence development of our personnel and offer growth and career paths. We invest in improving the availability of personnel and ensuring that motivated professionals stay with us for as long as possible.

Efficient renewed operating models

Uudistamme toimintamallejamme ja järjestelmiämme, jotta varmistamme tehokkaan ja sujuvan palvelutuotannon kaikissa liiketoiminnoissamme. Johdamme toimintaamme datalla. 

Kasvu keskittymällä ydinliiketoimintaan

Vahvistamme kilpailukykyämme markkinoilla keskittymällä strategian mukaisiin segmentteihin ja niissä tuotettaviin ydinpalveluihin. Etenemme arvoketjussa strategiamme mukaisissa palveluissa.  

We turn circular economy to reality

Lassila & Tikanojan strategia