Customer releases

Removal of sand from asphalt areas

Written by Lassila & Tikanoja | Apr 10, 2024 8:46:12 AM

A clear sign of spring is the start of sand removal from asphalt areas.

Sand removal begins when the snow in the yard has melted and the night frosts have completely stopped. The weather conditions will determine the start and progress of sand removal. In southern Finland, the work usually starts first and in the rest of the country the work progresses according to weather conditions, typically continuing until mid-May.

Note! Please remember that the timing of sand removal is always affected by the progression of spring. In the event of prolonged night frosts or winter storms, sand removal may be delayed depending on the situation.

In addition to the weather conditions, the workflow is also affected by factors such as the degree of filling of parking areas. Sand removal is carried out in several phases, so sand piles are repaired as soon as the previous phase is fully completed.