Managing sustainability
At L&T, the management of sustainability is integrated into business management. Sustainability is an element of the company’s strategy. L&T’s Board of Directors confirms the sustainability programme in connection with the strategy and sets the company’s long-term targets.
Read about the factors that guide our sustainability work
Our goal is for the sustainability management model to support the management and implementation of the sustainability programme and increasingly integrate sustainability into the company’s management system.

We comply with laws and regulations
Our decision-making and administration are compliant with the Finnish Companies Act, other regulations governing listed companies, Articles of Association of Lassila & Tikanoja plc, charter of L&T’s Board of Directors and its committees and the rules and guidelines of Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.

We commit to ethical practices
To ensure the sustainability of our operations, we have documented our sustainable business principles in our Code of Conduct, which applies to everyone at L&T as well as our contract suppliers. Where necessary, the Code of Conduct is also supplemented with more detailed policies and principles.

We manage risks related to sustainability
The management of liability-related risks is part of the company's comprehensive risk management, the goal of which is to identify significant risk factors, prepare for them and manage them optimally so that the company's goals are achieved.
Corporate sustainability management at different organisational levels at L&T
Board of Directors
Confirms and approves the sustainability programme and long-term objectives.
Personal and sustainability Committee monitors and regularly evaluates the development of sustainability in accordance with the sustainability programme.
Audit Committee monitors the effectiveness of risk management systems and ensures compliance.
President and CEO & Group Executive Board
Manages the development of the sustainability of business operations, sets targets and monitors their achievement on a regular basis.
Business operations
Implement the sustainability programme and monitors its implementation with the support of the Group functions.
Group functions
Develop, coordinate and steer the Group's approach to sustainability and suppoort its practical implementation.
Everyone at L&T
Is responsible for ensuring that they work in line with our sustainability commitments at all times.
You may also be interested in these

Sustainability programme
The priorities of our sustainability program are the environment, people and givernance, for which both short- and long-term measurable and monitored goals have been set.

Quarter's Sustainability Results
Our goal is to communicate openly to our stakeholders about the work we do for more responsible business operations. As part of our interim report, we publish the sustainability results and highlights of the past period.

Ethical Operating Principles
To ensure the responsibility of our operations, we have defined the principles of responsible business practices, which also apply to our contract suppliers.

Do you have something to ask about L&T's sustainability?
If you have any questions about L&T's responsibility work, please contact us. We are happy to help.