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Diverse and equal personnel

A fair and good working life belongs to all of us, regardless of background, life situation or citizenship. With us, everyone can work independently in a way that suits their own life situation and be part of a working community where diversity is wealth. Our goal is to constantly develop our operating culture to promote diversity and equality.

Key figures of our people


the amount of our employees

over 80


14-75 v.

age scale of our employees


of our personnel is men


of our personnel is women

Rekrytiimi apunasi työnhaussa - 16x9-2000x1125 - Usein kysytyt kysymykset
To us, everyone is welcome as they are.

These things are important for us



We employ special groups, increase work-based immigration and publish job advertisements in English and plain language.



We use gender-neutral job titles and promote the realization of pay equality.



We do not accept any kind of bullying and discrimination. We increase our personnel's awareness of diversity.

Mies ja nainen istuvat portailla hymyillen
Mies ja nainen istuvat portailla hymyillen

Diversity brings richness to our work community

At L&T, we believe that consciously building a diverse work community is one way to guarantee sustainable growth. We are developing our culture and operating methods in such a way that it would be even easier for employees from different backgrounds to come to work for us, feel comfortable as part of our work community and be a strong part of society through work.

Diversity brings richness and new perspectives to our work community. Together we are stronger!

L&T:n työntekijät keskustelemassa
L&T:n työntekijät keskustelemassa

We increase our personnel's awareness of meeting different people

We want diversity and equality to be an integral and visible part of our daily work. We invest in the diversity skills of our supervisors through training and we constantly work to make our working culture as accepting as possible.

Our work is guided by our division-specific diversity plans drawn up for the years 2023-2024 and the goals recorded in them in the field of promoting diversity.

Työntekijät pitävät toisiaan kädestä kiinni
Työntekijät pitävät toisiaan kädestä kiinni

Read about our work for diversity in 2023

At L&T, systematic work is done to develop personnel diversity. Read how we promoted diversity in 2023 in the annual report.