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Well-being at work

As a large employer and service company, we bear social responsibility by taking care of our personnel's well-being and ability to work. In performance management, our focus is on preventive activities, such as actions aimed at maintaining and improving work conditions and strengthening the daily management skills of supervisors.

We monitor the health figures of our personnel on a quarterly basis


occupational health rate

4.9 %

sickess-related absences

Pyöräilijä rannalla
Pyöräilijä rannalla
Our goal is a prosperous, healthy and able-bodied working community.

This is how we promote the well-being of our personnel



We train our supervisors in the model of early support, so that we can identify potential problems early on and focus on their prevention.


Rehabilitation activity

With the help of rehabilitation and resettlement activities, we try to find a job that corresponds to the person's ability to work reduced by illness or accident.


Mental wellbeing

We support mental well-being with low-threshold services that our personnel can use, for example, in situations of stress and change.

Iäkäs jäteauton kuljettaja hymyilee
Iäkäs jäteauton kuljettaja hymyilee

We are raising the retirement age of personnel to 65

As a service company, the well-being of our personnel is valuable to us. We constantly strive to find ways to develop work and the work environment to support working ability so that our personnel can be involved in working life for as long as possible.

Nuori nainen hymyilee kajakissa
Nuori nainen hymyilee kajakissa

The health insurance fund supports the well-being of the personnel

We offer our personnel preventive and statutory occupational health care as well as Medical services in occupational health care. In addition, we complement the occupational health care service with the company's health insurance fund. The health insurance fund annually pays benefits to its members for about 2 million euros.

Palveluneuvojat - 16x9-2000x1125 - Avoimet työpaikat - Lassila & Tikanoja

Read about occupational well-being at L&T in 2023

In 2023, we took many measures to promote the well-being of our personnel at work. Read more in the latest annual report.