Corporate Governance
In this section
Corporate Governance Code
Lassila & Tikanoja plc (“L&T” or “the company”) is a public limited liability company that is registered in Finland and listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Oy. In its decision-making and administration, Lassila & Tikanoja complies with the Finnish Companies Act, other regulations governing listed companies, Articles of Association of Lassila & Tikanoja plc, charter of L&T’s Board of Directors and its committees and the rules and guidelines of Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.
L&T complies with the Finnish Corporate Governance Code in force. This statement was prepared in accordance with the Finnish Corporate Governance Code that entered into force on 1 January 2016 (“Corporate Governance Code”). The full Corporate Governance Code is available on www.cgfinland.fi/en. L&T has not deviated from the recommendations of the Code.
This statement was prepared in accordance with the Corporate Governance Code recommendation concerning reporting and is issued separately from the Report of the Board of Directors. L&T’s Audit Committee has reviewed this statement.
Business Organisation
The business is divided into three divisions:
Senior Vice Presidents in charge of the divisions report to the President and CEO. In Finland each division is organised into business areas. Administration and the management of group-level processes are centralised.