Articles of Association
Lassila & Tikanoja plc's Articles of Association
1 § Name and domicile
The name of the Company is Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj and in English Lassila & Tikanoja plc. The Company's domicile is Helsinki.
2 § The Company's Field of Operations
The field of operations of the Company is to practise, either directly or through subsidiaries or partnership companies, service activity and protection services belonging to the environmental management and property supervision and maintenance, as well as production and trade of products related to the above mentioned services and other related business activity. The field of operations of the Company is also the management and financing services of the Group. The Company may trade in securities and practise other investment activity.
3 § Book-entry system
The Company's shares are incorporated in the book-entry system.
4 § Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the management of the Company and for the proper arrangement of the Company's operations. The Board of Directors shall consist of no less than three (3) and no more than seven (7) members elected by the General Meeting of Shareholders.
The term of the members of the Board of Directors expires at the end of the next Annual General Meeting of Shareholders following his/her election.
The Annual General Meeting elects the chairman and the vice chairman of the Board of Directors.
5 § Managing Director
The Company has a Managing Director who is elected by the Board of Directors.
6 § Auditors
An Authorized Public Accountants Organization shall be elected as the Company’s auditor, and the auditor shall designate an Authorized Public Accountant having principal responsibility. The term of the auditor shall be the financial year of the Company and the duties of the auditor expire at the end of the first Annual General Meeting of Shareholders following the election.
7 § Right to represent the Company
Right to represent the Company shall be vested with two members of the Board of Directors together, or the Managing Director together with a member of the Board of Directors, or a person that has been authorised by the Board of Directors to represent the Company so that such person represents the Company together either with another person authorised to represent the Company or with the Managing Director or with a member of the Board of Directors.
8 § Procuration
Granting of procurations shall be decided by the Board of Directors. Holders of procuration represent the Company each separately together with a person having right to represent the Company.
9 § Financial year
The financial year of the Company shall be the calendar year.
10 § Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders shall be held annually by the end of April on the date decided by the Board of Directors. The General Meeting of Shareholders shall be held in the Company's domicile.
In addition, the Board of Directors may decide that the General Meeting of Shareholders be held without a meeting venue so that the shareholders exercise their power of decision in full in real time during the meeting using a telecommunications connection and technical means.
11 § Notice of General Meeting of Shareholders
The notice of a General Meeting of Shareholders shall be published on Company's website no earlier than two (2) months and no later than three (3) weeks prior to the General Meeting of Shareholders, however, at least nine (9) days prior to the record date of the General Meeting of Shareholders. In addition, the Company may, if so decided by the Board of Directors, within the same time publish the time and place of the General Meeting of Shareholders as well as the address of the Company's website in a newspaper.
12 § Informing of participation in General Meeting of Shareholders
In order to participate in the General Meeting of Shareholders, a shareholder must inform the Company of the participation at the latest on the date mentioned in the invitation. The date may not be earlier than ten (10) days before the General Meeting of Shareholders.
13 § Issues at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
At the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
shall be presented:
- the financial statements and the consolidated financial statements as well as the Board of Directors' report;
- the auditor's report;
shall be resolved on:
- the adoption of the financial statements;
- the use of profit shown in the balance sheet;
- the discharge from liability to the members of the Board of Directors and to the Managing Director;
- the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and the auditor;
- the number of the members of the Board of Directors;
shall be elected:
- the members of the Board of Directors; and
- the auditor