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Market position

Lassila & Tikanoja has a strong market position in all core businesses.

Market position by business areas

Business area Market size (BEUR) Market Growth* L&T's market position
Waste Management 0,7 0-3 % 1
Material Processing 1,1 3- >5 %** 1-2*
Environmental Construction 0,6*** 2-5 % 2
Hazardous Waste 0,1*** 2-5 % 1-2
Process Cleaning 0,4**** 2-5 % 1-4****
Cleaning and Support Services 2,5 2-4 % 2-3
Technical Assistance 3 2-4 % 7-9
Property Maintenance 3 2-4 % 3-4
Facility Management 3 3-5 % 4-5
Cleaning Services 2 3-5 % > 10

* 1. in the current processing market

** varies between different material flows
*** Finnish market only
**** Finnish and Swedish market

The market position is based on the management's estimate

The information presented on this page is based on management estimate conducted in April-May 2022. The market data presented above are not historical facts, but estimates compiled by Lassila & Tikanoja and, therefore, are not guarantees of the development of the relevant markets, annual market growth rate or Lassila & Tikanoja’s market position now or in the future.

The actual market sizes, annual market growth rate or Lassila & Tikanoja’s market position could materially differ from the estimates presented above as a result of many factors. No undue reliance should be placed on the presented estimates.

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