The number of the members of the Board of Directors was confirmed five (5). The following Board members were re-elected to the Board until the end of the following AGM: Heikki Bergholm, Eero Hautaniemi, Laura Lares, Sakari Lassila and Miikka Maijala.
The Annual General Meeting resolved on the following annual fees: Chairman EUR 46,250, Vice Chairman EUR 30,500 and the ordinary members EUR 25,750.
The fees shall be paid so that 40% of the annual fee is paid in Lassila & Tikanoja's shares held by the company or, if this is not feasible, shares acquired from the markets, and 60% in cash. Shares are to be issued to Board members and, where necessary, acquired directly from the markets on behalf of Board members within the next fourteen trading days, free from restrictions on trading, from the Annual General Meeting. In addition, the following meeting fees will be paid: Chairman EUR 1,000, Vice Chairman EUR 700 and members EUR 500 per meeting. The meeting fees will also be paid to the Chairman and to the members of the committees established by the Board as follows: Chairman EUR 700 and members EUR 500.