Sustainability commitments
L&T is committed to supporting international declarations and agreements.

The most significant declarations and agreements
- UN Sustainable Development Goals since 2018
- Global Compact principles since 2018
- ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Call on Carbon of CLC.
We have also set scientific climate targets approved by the Science Based Targets initiative and made a commitment to reducing the emissions generated by our own operations by 2030 in line with the target. We are also committed to reporting on the climate impacts of our operations in accordance with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations as a part of our sustainability reporting.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
L&T is committed to supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals in its operations. We have identified the most relevant SDG goals for us in 2022 in accordance with our updated responsibility strategy.
The most important goals for L&T are clean energy, decent work and economic growth, reducing inequality, sustainable cities, responsible consumption, climate and life on earth.
Choose the goal

SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
L&T increases the share of renewable fuel by using low-emission fleet and renewable fuels in transportation. L&T uses only renewable electricity in Finland.

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
L&T promotes safe and secure working environments for all workers, with special attention to vulnerable groups. Our aim is zero accidents. We aim to reduce our total recordable incident frequency (TRIF) to less than 15 by 2030. L&T has zero tolerance to forced labor, modern slavery, and child labor. L&T respects and supports human rights in its operations.

SDG 10: Reduced inequalities
L&T’s goal is to develop our operating culture with a focus on diversity and equality. At L&T, everyone is free to be themselves. We treat each other and our suppliers fairly. At L&T, gender is not a factor in pay. In 2022, L&T’s Finnish operations conducted wage surveys in accordance with the Equality Act. The wage surveys did not reveal any unjustified differences in pay between the genders. L&T is involved in FIBS Diversity Charter Finland.

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
L&T creates value for the society and communities. L&T’s mission is to make the circular economy a reality with the help of the company’s business solutions. We want to mitigate climate change and be a leader in the circular economy.
L&T replaces fossil and natural materials with recycled materials. The services L&T produces for its customers reduce emissions and promote material recycling and energy efficiency.

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
L&T provides solutions to decrease energy use of properties and refines waste into recyclable materials of the new packages or products. L&T’s services increase the productive use of industrial side streams and contaminated land.

SDG 13: Climate Action
L&T’s climate commitments cover the entire value chain (Scope 1, 2 & 3). L&T’s strategic objective is to halve the carbon footprint of its own operations (Scope 1 and 2), i.e. emission intensity per kilometre driven, by 2030, using 2018 as the baseline.
As part of L&T’s science-based emission reduction target, we have set separate climate targets for the supply chain. The target is for 70 per cent of the largest suppliers and subcontractors (based on spending) to set targets for reducing their emissions by 2024.
L&T set a separate emission reduction target for subcontracting in 2022. The target is to reduce transport and machinery emissions from subcontracting by 30% by 2030, using 2020 as the baseline. L&T’s emission reduction targets are based on science and validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Our emission targets correspond to the Paris Agreement goal of limiting the warming of the climate to well below 2°C.

SDG 15: Life on Land
Our goal is to promote biodiversity together with our customers. We aim to take action that has a positive impact on biodiversity, particularly in the built environment. L&T’s services restore lawns and idle land into natural meadows and forests and removes invasive species such as rosa rugosa and Himalayan balsam.
We restore contaminated land areas throughout Finland. The majority of the contaminated soil is recovered: It is used in earth construction and stabilization. In spring 2022, L&T became one of 10 Finnish companies selected for a pilot programme coordinated by FIBS and Sitra to test the Science Based Targets Network’s guidance concerning science-based nature targets.